Classical Heritage was incorporated in 2002 to offer specialised piano lessons to the Singapore community. Our mission is (1) to spread the joy of music (2) to develop good, solid foundation (3) to realise the potential in every student (4) to inculcate the love for music.

We accept students of all ages and ability, so long as they are willing to work hard and show commitment.

EMAIL: classicalheritage@yahoo.com.sg


Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Judging Cristofori Piano Competition 2011

I was privileged to have been asked to judge the Cristofori Piano Competition 2011 which was held on the 20th March 2011. Previously I was also one of the three judges at the inaugural Cristofori Piano Competition in 2006. Compared with the previous compeititon, there was a marked improvement in standard this time round. The competitors' repetoire was very substantial. To think that almost all of the participants were in their teens and playing major works such as the Dante Sonata (Liszt), Chopin Sonata No. 2, Bartok Sonata, Marc-Andre Hamelin Etudes, Medtner Sonata Tragica etc...speaks volumes about the piano-teaching in Singapore. There are lots of potential!

The judges: Madam Yeong Yoon Ching, Dorothy Chia and I, were treated to an afternoon of delightful piano-playing, with varied and interesting programmes. When it comes to allocating prizes, it was not very clear-cut as there wasn't any player who was outstanding that stood out from the crowd. Hence, we had to deliberate and come to a compromise in our decision. The result was not unanimous in all three of the prizes. (One competitor played with great poise and professionalism and was my choice for a prize, but i was outnumbered, another competitor perhaps did not quite perform with adequate control of the instrument to deserve a prize, but i was again outnumbered). But it is important to remember that judging a competition is a very subjective matter.

A bit of advice for competitors: 1)When performing only a single piece, choose pieces that show versatility and musicianship. 2) Avoid modern-living composers as some adjudicators have little to say about them. (If you are playing a variety of works, including a modern-living composer is fine) 3) do not be disheartened if you do not win any prizes. Even top musicians like John Nakamatsu, (winner of Van Cliburn Compeitition 1997) said that he was knocked out of hundreds of competitions before he found success!

Believe in yourself and play with sincerity and integrity.

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